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Back Pain

As this is one that i struggle with due to a permanent lower back injury which affects two of my discs and vertebrae and restricts my spinal cord and activates my sciatic nerve which then causes my muscles to spasm and react i am going to pop on a few things that i feel are important.

1. Regular Massage

Yes i am going to say schedule in regular Massage - if you have regular massage even when your back is going great you can and will reduce the frequency of pain episodes and also decrease the duration of the episode.

2. Core Core Core -

Definately need to strengthen your deep core muscles when they are weak and shortened they will pull the lower spine and aggrevate your condition. Making them stronger than they need to be you will stabilise the spine releiving pain

3. Dont Be affraid to Listen to your Body

Treat your inflammation early when you first feel it becoming active -

a simple ice or cold pack application can still be one of the more effective, proven methods to treat a sore back or neck. Ice is typically most effective if it is applied soon after an injury occurs, or after any activity that causes pain or stiffnessice the area,

take anti-inflammatory medication (after you have spoken to your medical practitioner and know it is safe for you),

Use active rest proceedures, - lay down on a flat surface and elevate your legs for short periods and walk around for short periods

All of these things will help you recovery faster from your painful episode by allowing the muscles to relax and rejuvinate.

4. Stretch

Short tight muscles will aggrevate most back pain conditions. Stretching is a preventative tool and needs to be done on a daily basis even when your not experiencing any symptoms.

Concentrate on the following Muscles:





5. Swim

With the warmer weather coming up get in the water. Swimming is excellent at taking the weight of your body of your back and strengthening the stabilsing muscles - I recomend breast stroke as free style strokes can twist the spine causing aggrevation

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